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#Running tests on Visual Studio Code

You can run your tests from Visual Studio Code by using one of its Mocha integration extensions. We recommend using Mocha Test Explorer.

To use Mocha Test Explorer, you need to install it and follow these instructions.

Install Mocha locally by running this:

npm install --save-dev mocha

Then, create a file named .mocharc.json in your project's root directory with the following contents:

  "require": "hardhat/register",
  "timeout": 40000

Finally, you can set a shortcut for this VS Code command test-explorer.run-test-at-cursor, and you will be able to run the test you are currently editing with it.

# Running TypeScript test

Running tests written in TypeScript from Visual Studio Code requires two extra steps.

First, you have to change your .mocharc.json to this:

  "require": "ts-node/register/files",
  "timeout": 20000

Then, you have to set the vscode option "mochaExplorer.files" to "test/**/*.{j,t}s".

For any help or feedback you may have, you can find us in the Hardhat Support Discord server. https://hardhat.org/discord